Love is The Secret To Success

Love is super patient and amazingly kind. Let’s do a huge favor to ourselves and start each day with loving ourselves. We need to be around people who love and inspire us. Let us be ourselves and enjoy being ourselves. In spite of the accomplishments, we consistently celebrate our achievements.

It is important to know that love never fails. We need to be honest with ourselves by being accountable and responsible for ourselves.  Let’s also be thankful and forgiving of ourselves.

How do we know if our actions are moved by love?

1. Let’s be Thankful for everything, from the work we do, families, friends, hobbies, to everything,  no matter how small it is.
I love this quote and would like to share it with you.
“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” – Willie Nelson.
Being thankful increases our creativity and self esteem, you are a more healthy person when you truly appreciate everything.
You can have a gratitude journal where you write down what you are thankful for on a daily basis.

Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.” – Karl Barth

Love is not selfish, and when we are grateful for everything we tend to be positive about life in general.
Other things to be thankful for are: the breathe of life, time, money, weekends, a bed to sleep,  the weather, pets and much more.

Gratitude is more than saying thank you. It focuses on truly appreciating the value of your experience.

Pros of A Gratitude Journal

  • It gives you a renewed focus on what is essential to you.
  • It helps to decrease stress and increase positive energy.
  • It increases serenity and peace within you.
  • You have more insight and humility in life.
  • Increase on being more open to yourself and self understanding.

A thankful habit will improve our mental and physical health.

When we live a life of gratitude we add value to ourselves and to others as well. 
Being thankful is awesome to celebrate every day, not just once a year.

2. Smile More

Smile is the start of laughter. Smiling is attractive and is very important if you want to know a part of love which is the secret to success.

Smiling can boost your mood, even if it’s a fake smile.
Its good to smile all the time.

The part of the brain that is assigned for controlling the facial expression of smiling is an unconscious automated active center.
This shows that smiling can be super contagious!

Studies have proven that smiling births endorphins, natural painkillers, and serotonin.
The three make us feel great on the whole body.

The natural chemicals boost your mood and help to relax your body and decrease stress.
Smiling is an amazing drug.

 Smiling and smiling more is healthy for the entire body. As kids, we easily smile but when we become adults we tend to take things such as work and other aspects of life seriously.
When we think of happy thoughts, you are more calm and it makes you to smile.
When you are heartily thankful to yourself and to others, you smile more and boost your confidence and insight.

3. Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Yes,  laughter is the best and strong medicine. It attracts others together in ways that activates healthy physical and emotional adjustments in the body.
Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine. — Lord Byron.

Laughter boost our immune system, increases a positive mood, and decreases stress.
The magical medicine of laughter is fun, free, and awesome.

One indicator of laughter is the boost to our emotional health, empower our relationships, find more joy.

Laughter calms the entire body. A good and deep laugh decreases stress by decreasing its hormones and giving the muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.

Laughter increases immune cells and aids the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins increases the wellbeing of the whole body.

Some ways to laugh include:

  • Watch a funny movie on places like Netflix and Amazon prime, and TV show. I love watching “Seinfeld” show and “Big Bang Theory” which always crack me up all the time.
  • You can invite friends or co-workers out to a comedy club in your area. There is always a local gig in the area having a comedy show where you can relax and have fun laughing deep.
  • Check out funny videos on YouTube and blogs that have funny pages on comedy.
  • Surround yourself with funny people, you can find them everywhere.  In my workplace I have a colleague that makes me laugh specifically when I’m under pressure. Laughter is the Best Medicine and is Super Contagious.
  • Share a good joke or a funny story from the internet.
  • Check out the library for the comedy section on books and movies. The library is fun, free and super informative.
  • Do you by doing something fun like doing puzzles, walking on the beach, learning a new language,  playing a new instrument, and much more.

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